Top 10 Online Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofits

Fundraising can be a hard challenge for any nonprofit. But, knowing one or two about different ways to raise funds can best benefit you. Here we have gathered some actionable Online Fundraising Ideas to help you along the way.
1. Crowdfunding via Websites
Online Crowdfunding is an effort to raise donations from a large number of people on the internet. You can either go with your own website or use websites like Crowdrise or Causes to conduct it.
Some of the more popular options can be found over on GoFundMe that delves into which crowdfunding services are recommended for specific purposes. If you want to use the donate button on your own website, tools like Donorbox make it easy for you.
During crowdfunding, you can conduct discussions, enable donors to ask questions, offer feedback, and build relationships while raising funds.

Another major advantage of online crowdfunding is you can share your fundraising website link on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to reach a much wider audience.
2. Pinterest Boards
A recent study suggests that women are more likely to donate to causes and charities than men.
One platform where you can find as many female audiences is Pinterest. When posting on Pinterest, remember to add a Call To Action button that links directly to your website's donation page.

Pinterest boards will give you enough engagement on posts if you give a catchy description, relevant hashtags, and attention-grabbing images.
3. AmazonSmile
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon and every time when someone shop on the website, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of the buyer's choice.

Go and register your nonprofit in AmazonSmile and ask your donors, volunteers, staffs, and supporters to link their Amazon smile account with yours. This will help your nonprofit to receive money every time they shop via Amazon Smile.
4. Apparel Sale
If your nonprofit has a good logo and slogan, then you're good to go selling apparels like T-shirts, Flip-flops and Caps to people and raise funds for your cause.
Host an online apparel sale on your website and drive your social media followers and email recipients to buy it.

Apparel selling can boost your brand recognition. It will help you spread the words out and more and more people will come to know about your organization.
5. Facebook Fundraising
Since Facebook is a very huge social media platform, there is a chance that your current and potential donors must be using it. To get their attention, you can create a Facebook page for your nonprofit and drive donations from your Facebook audience.
To catch the attention of people on Facebook, you can use storytelling. Storytelling works best on any platform. Tell a story and make people know why you are raising funds. Engage with them and involve them in your fundraising efforts.

You can add a Call To Action to your posts as well as add a "donate" button in your official Facebook page and link it your nonprofit's donation page. This will make it easier for people to donate to your cause.
6. Birthday Fundraiser
You can ask people who are close to your network to conduct birthday fundraisers.
Setting up a birthday fundraiser is simple. You can add pictures and text in your own website and direct people to your donation page.

You can also run birthday fundraisers on websites like Crowdrise and MightyCause.
7. Contests
Conducting online contests and inviting people to participate in it can be a good idea to collect funds.
You can team up with a local business to donate a grand prize for the lucky contest winner.

To add some fun, you and your team can come up with creative ideas to conduct the contests. You can set an entry fee to contestants in order to participate in the contest.
Conducting activities like this will help you to attract more people to the cause.
8. Video Fundraising Campaign
Start your own video challenge with your peers. Ask people who you have close contacts with to upload and share videos of them doing an activity on social media to spread awareness.

You can also request those participated in the video challenge to donate or nominate others to do the challenge. To let people know about your video fundraising challenge you can put a short and nicely edited video explaining the rules of your challenge in social media.
9. Twitter Fundraising
Twitter is one of the most successful social media platforms and it can help you to engage with current as well as potential donors. You can use Twitter tweets to connect with donors and volunteers. This allows you to connect with people that might be interested in your cause. You can build relations with them and convert them into future donors or volunteers.

You can follow nonprofits who are active on Twitter and learn about how they are conducting fundraisers to make yours more better.
10. Email Fundraiser
You don't need to have nicely polished email templates to have an email fundraiser. Try to create emails that instill emotions with a personal touch.
A personalized email sent directly by you on behalf of your nonprofit can work wonders. Why? Because people give to people and not to machines.

An email curated especially for each potential and current donors will create more impact than anything.
Winding Up
Now, you've learned about different online fundraising ideas to drive funds to your nonprofit. You can also experiment and come up with creative ideas to spice it up. Besides these, there are the conventional ways of raising money for a worthy cause that should not be ignored.
Additionally, to create short and sweet fundraising videos, you can use Typito. We just launched Typito for Nonprofits program. 50% discount on our plans to empower nonprofits like you. Make your fundraising videos beautiful with engaging text, graphics, and animations.