How Spectrum News used Typito to create Hyper-Local News Videos
Spectrum News is a ubiquitous brand of digital storytelling and reporting in the United States of America, having established themselves
Pricing Update - April 2018
After launching our first update of Pricing plans in November 2017 our team has been really busy talking to our
How Typito Helped a DIY Video Creator to Boost Engagement by 5X
Hello, Wonderful and Send a Unicorn are online platforms for content creators to come together and reach out to
Branded Templates on Typito
According to Hubspot, branded content was the most popular content marketing tactic in 2014, and it's set to grow in
The Ultimate Playbook for Instagram Videos (Inspired by Wistia)
Creating Professional Videos for Instagram
We all know that Instagram lets you upload videos only from your mobile app. This
Change Video Speed on Typito
Why Change Video Speed!
Why do we love ‘Tasty’ videos so much? Is it because their kind of recipes are
The Ultimate Playbook for Facebook Video Creators
Facebook's plan to build a video content store like YouTube is known to almost everyone. It's a great time for
Tools that let you Create Square Videos for Social Media
Let's recollect our lives 10 years ago. Did we then think that videos would be so important in the future
Copy Your Typito Projects in a Click!
"Agreed! It makes absolute sense to provide a project copy option, especially for our creators who produce videos for different