15 min read

Difference Between Story and Reel (25 IG Story Ads To Try)

Difference Between Story and Reel (25 IG Story Ads To Try)

I have a confession to make. I've fallen prey to the irresistible allure of Instagram Stories more times than I'd like to admit.

This one time, I found myself taping through the stories on my feed, admiring all the vacation spams my friends were posting as usual. Suddenly, an ad for discounted protein bars popped up, and before I knew it, my finger had a mind of its own. One swipe up later, and boom! I'd ordered enough protein bars to last me through the apocalypse - all without even leaving the app. Talk about the impulse purchase of the century!

But that's the magic of Instagram Stories and Reels — they're highly engaging, immersive formats that can drive real business results… No doubt! I’d been thinking about getting protein bars for the longest time. How convenient that a good deal should pop up on my feed without ever having to search for it!

In this blog post, we'll dive deep into the world of Instagram Stories and Reels, exploring their unique features and how you can use them for your business’s advantage.

We'll also share 25 examples of effective Instagram Story ads to inspire your next campaign.

Stay tuned for actionable tips and tricks for better engagement on Instagram and not to mention, the best tool to transform your Instagram story content for your campaigns this quarter.

By the end, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to create the best Instagram story ads that stop the scroll and drive real conversions for your business.

Ready to exceed those daunting marketing targets this quarter? Let's dive into the word of advertising on Instagram!

Why care about advertising on Instagram?

Let’s look at some of the predictions of famous organizations, industry trends and the world's obsession with social commerce!

  • As of April 2024,2 billion Instagram users, are active on a monthly basis placing it among the top social platforms globally. Its impact on the social media landscape is truly remarkable!
  • Accenture studies predict social commerce will skyrocket from $492 billion in 2021 to a mind-boggling $1.2 trillion by 2025. That's an ambitious 2.5x growth estimate!
  • From planned trips to seamless discovery, the shopping revolution lets consumers connect with retailers, anytime, anywhere - be it at home, work, or on the go.
  • Instagram Stories have turned into a goldmine for advertisers. Statistica reports suggest that in 2021, ad revenue soared to $11.43 billion, up from $6.9 billion the year before. And by 2023, it was expected to hit a staggering $20.03 billion, underscoring the platform's growing dominance in digital advertising.
  • And we all know about Instagram's ROI! Tying with Facebook, for the highest ROI (29%) among other social media platforms. Instagram is one of the social platforms in 2024 that marketers should not take lightly. If you’re looking to do ads that give you results, Instagram is the place to be.

Understanding Instagram Story and Reel Basics

What are Instagram Stories?

I’m sure you’ve been on one of those adventures on your instagram app feed, tapping on one Story after another. Instagram Stories are a fleeting multimedia format of short videos made on the instagram app that allows you to share photos or videos with your audience for up to 15 seconds. They're perfect for sharing everyday moments, updates, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into your brand.

What are Instagram Reels?

Now, imagine scrolling through your Reels feed, where you're greeted with a seemingly endless stream of creative, entertaining 60-90 second videos.

Instagram Reels is a feature that allows you to create short, vertical videos set to music, making it ideal for sharing snackable, attention-grabbing content.

If you are a creator or business, the reach and discoverability of these types of videos make perfect for you to attract a community with similar interests as yours.

Instagram Reels vs Story: Key differences between Story and Reel

These features may look similar with its vertical 9:16 format, for short and engaging videos. And for this reason many people mistake them for being the same thing, but this is not the case. Instagram users, creators, business accounts and personal accounts alike.

Here are some key differences between Instagram stories and Instagram reels. Understanding these key differences can help you use these features better to promote and grow your brand on instagram. And of course, drive real conversions for your business.

  1. Instagram reels vs Story: Length and Lifespan

Instagram stories and Reels differ significantly in their duration and how long they remain visible to your audience

Instagram Story

Instagram Reel

Up to 15 seconds long

60-90 seconds long

Disappear after 24 hours

Remain on your profile unless deleted

Only accessible via your profile

Can be discovered through the explore page

2. Instagram reels vs Story : Discoverability

The way users find and interact with Instagram Stories and Reels varies, impacting their potential reach

Instagram Story

Instagram Reel

Less discoverable than Reels

More discoverable via hashtags, audio, and Explore feed

Do not allow captions

Allow you to add captions

3. Instagram reels vs Story: Editing Tools

Each format offers unique editing capabilities, allowing for different types of creative expression

Instagram Story

Instagram Reel

Limited video editing tools

More advanced video editing tools

Stickers, text, and AR effects

Ability to stitch multiple clips together

4. Instagram reels vs story content formats

Instagram Stories and Reels are designed for different types of content, catering to various audience engagement and styles

Instagram Story

Instagram Reel

Best for spontaneous, "in-the-moment" content

Ideal for more polished, scripted and edited entertaining/ informative video content

Vertical video, photos, and boomerangs

Vertical video with music, effects and templates. 

Ephemeral, 24-hour lifespan

Remains on your profile indefinitely

Instagram reels vs story ads

Now let's look at how these formats differ when it comes to ads for your business.

The key difference for the Instagram story ad is that, unlike normal stories that disappear after 24hrs, story ads can stay for longer and can be targeted to non followers as well.

While both Story and Reel formats offer advertising opportunities, there are key differences in how ads function on Stories versus Reels.

Instagram Story Ads

Instagram Reel Ads

Vertical format, seamlessly integrated into Stories

Vertical format, appear between organic Reels

Up to 15 seconds for video, 5 seconds for images

Up to 30 seconds long

Can include interactive elements (polls, quizzes, etc.)

Limited interactive elements

Remains longer than 24 hours until the paid campaign runs

Remain visible as long as the campaign runs

Can use "Swipe Up" feature (for eligible accounts)

Can include a CTA button

Targeting options: reach, video views, traffic, conversions, app installs, brand awareness

Similar targeting options, with potential for broader reach due to Reels' discoverability

Can include multiple pieces of content (carousel format)

Single video format

Viewed in full-screen, immersive experience

Viewed in Reels feed, can be shared and commented on

Don't require users to follow your account to see the ad

Can reach non-followers through the Reels tab and Explore page

Using Instagram Story Ads to Grow Your Brand

What is an Instagram Story Ad? An Instagram Story Ad is a vertical ad that appears within a user's Instagram Stories feed. These full-screen, immersive ads come in a variety of formats, including video, photo, and carousel. With targeted ad options like reach, video views, traffic, conversions, app installs boost, overall engagement amount, and higher brand awareness, Instagram Story Ads are a powerful way to connect with your audience, boost engagement, and drive tangible business results.

I mean lets be real, how many times have you just been thinking about buying that electric toothbrush and all you can see on your Instagram stories shortly after are ads for electric toothbrushes? Admit it, as creepy as this is, you can't deny that it checks off every box for convenience.

Are Instagram Story Ads Cost Effective?

When it comes video ad next to Instagram Story ads, costs are surprisingly manageable. According to Shopify, you can generally expect to pay less than $2 per click.

But that's not all—Instagram ads often turn out to be more cost-effective than Facebook ads. In fact, Hubspot sources even suggest that you could be paying between $0.70 and $1 per click.

Others report costs as low as $0.40 to $0.70 per click, making Instagram Stories a budget-friendly option for advertisers.

The best part about social commerce for me is that it has lowered barriers to entry and provided a marketplace for all types of businesses, from large corporations, to sole entrepreneurs for showcasing their products.

So if you are one of those small business owners or marketing agents working in a big corporation looking to make killer Instagram ads, then stick around.

We've curated examples from brands large and small to get you thinking big about instagram ads!

25 Instagram story ad examples

Let's dive in to look at some companies that have done Instagram story ads well so that you can get some inspiration to create your own.

1. Instagram stories ads for product launches

Promote new product launches or special offers to drive sales.

Image source 

2. Story Ads that feature UGC

Showcase user-generated content or behind-the-scenes footage to build trust and authenticity.


3. Influencer partnerships

Partner with influencers or creators to leverage their audience and increase your reach.

Video source

4. Take advantage of editing for your story ads

Use eye-catching visuals, bold text overlays, and relevant hashtags to make your ads stand out.

Video source

5. Using interactive elements like polls

Incorporate interactive elements like polls, quizzes, or countdowns to increase engagement.

Image source 

6. Showcase different products and services

Experiment with different ad formats, such as carousel or collection ads, to showcase multiple products or services.

Image source

7. Focus on Full-screen experiences

Leverage the power of vertical video to create immersive, full-screen experiences.

Video source 

8.Target based on interest and location

Personalize your ads by using location-specific content or targeting based on user interests and behaviors.

Video source

9. Promote offers and discounts

Promote exclusive offers, limited-time discounts, or time-sensitive content to create a sense of urgency.

Image source

10. Use customer testimonials for your story ad

Showcase customer testimonials or social proof to build trust and credibility.

Image source

11. Tease new product launches

Use Instagram Story Ads to tease upcoming product launches or events and build anticipation.

Image source

12. Leverage the swipe up feature

Use a compelling call to action and Leverage the "Swipe Up" feature to drive traffic to your website or landing page.

Video source 

13. Using animations and graphics

Incorporate dynamic, eye-catching animations or motion graphics to capture attention.

Video source

14. Utilize brand elements

Use recognizable brand elements, such as logos, colors, or fonts, to reinforce your brand identity.

Image source

15. Build social proof and authenticity

Highlight user-generated content or influencer collaborations to build social proof and authenticity.

Video source

16. Showcase your products

Leverage the "Add to Cart" feature to showcase your products and drive direct sales.

Image source

17. Use the "Link Sticker" on your story ads

Use the "Link Sticker" to redirect users to your website, landing page, or online store.

Video source

18. Use story ads to promote limited time offers

Create a sense of scarcity by promoting an upcoming event and limited-time offers or exclusive deals.

Image source

19. Use the stickers

Leverage the "Countdown Sticker" to build anticipation for upcoming events or product launches.

Image source

20. Showcase your brand personality

Showcase your brand's personality and values through creative, visually-engaging stories.

Image source

21. Use story ads to understand your audience better

Use the "Question Sticker" or "Poll Sticker" to gather feedback and engage your audience.

Image source

22. Reach new Instagram users

Collaborate with complementary brands or influencers to reach new audiences.

Video source

23. Conduct A/B testing to find out which

Optimize your Instagram Story Ads with A/B testing to find the most effective strategies.

Test engagement levels between tap along photo stories

Image source

or and engaging video story

24. Use compelling CTAs to drive traffic to your website

Drive traffic to your website or landing page with attention-grabbing offers and a compelling call to action .

Video source

25. Use story ads to promote USPs

Promote your brand's unique value proposition and stand out from the competition.

Image source

Want to learn how to create these story ads? We don’t cover that in this article but you can check out this article from shopify to learn more about that.

Maximizing Engagement with Instagram stories and Reels

It's always a good idea to supplement your paid ads on Instagram with feed posts and stories on your business page to build your brand and maximize overall engagement.

How to Skyrocket Engagement on Instagram Reels and Stories

Think of your Instagram strategy as a garden. Each post is a seed, and engagement is the sunlight that helps your garden flourish. Here's how to ensure your Instagram garden blooms. Now that you know the difference between Instagram Reels and Stories. You can use this to create the optimal content for your own business and Instagram feed.

1. Nurture Your Audience with Instagram Stories Imagine Stories as your daily watering can. Use them to:

  • Share behind-the-scenes glimpses
  • Showcase your brand's personality
  • Offer exclusive sneak peeks

Post at least once a post a day to keep your new followers' thirst for content quenched and their curiosity piqued.

2. Plant Viral Seeds with Instagram Reels Think of your Instagram Reels and stories, as your fertilizer - they help your content grow exponentially. To maximize their impact:

  • Post multiple Instagram Reels per week
  • Showcase your brand's fun side
  • Use trending audio and effects

3. Diversify Your Content Garden Just as a diverse ecosystem thrives, so does a varied content creation strategy. An Instagram feed with different types of content keeps the audience engagement

Experiment with:

  • Behind-the-scenes glimpses (your brand's backstage pass)
  • User-generated content (let your customers be your best advertisers)
  • Educational how-to's (position yourself as the go-to expert)

4. Cultivate Interaction Engagement is a two-way street. Encourage followers on social media platforms
to interact with more followers by:

  • Asking thought-provoking questions
  • Running polls (which product should we launch next?)
  • Using interactive stickers (temperature check on our new feature!)

5. Cross-Pollinate with Influencers Collaborations are like inviting beneficial insects to your garden. They help spread your brand's offerings brand awareness far and wide. Partner with relevant influencers to:

  • Tap into new audiences
  • Boost your social proof
  • Create fresh, exciting content

How Often to Post Instagram Stories and Instagram Reels

Finding the right posting frequency is like finding the perfect watering schedule for your plants. Too little, and they wither; too much, and they drown.

For Stories: Aim for at least once a day, if not more. Think of it as your daily brand vitamin - a quick, easily digestible dose of your content.

For Reels: Post multiple times per week. Consider Reels as your weekly workout routine - consistent effort leads to noticeable growth.

Pro Tip
Use Instagram Insights to identify when your audience is most active. It's like finding out when your plants need the most attention.

Best Time to Publish Instagram Story and Reel

Timing your posts is like catching the perfect wave - it can make all the difference in how far your content travels.

1. Know Your Audience's Schedule Every garden has its own microclimate. Similarly, your audience has unique patterns:

  • Consider their industry
  • Factor in their location
  • Understand their daily routines

2. Leverage Instagram Insights Think of Insights as your gardening almanac. Use it to:

  • Identify peak engagement times
  • Understand follower behavior
  • Optimize your posting schedule

3. Experiment and Adapt Don't be afraid to try different posting times. It's like crop rotation - sometimes, a change can lead to unexpected growth.

Measuring Success and Next Steps

Tracking Your Instagram Story and Reel Performance

Think of this as your brand's health check-up. Regular monitoring helps you maintain a thriving Instagram presence. There are many tools that you can use to track your Instagram performance. Some of our suggestions include: Buffer and Metricool

1. Dive into Instagram Insights Consider this your diagnostic tool. Use it to:

  • Track Story and Reel performance
  • Identify your most engaging content
  • Understand your audience better

2. Monitor Key Metrics These are your vital signs:

  • Reach: How far is your content traveling?
  • Impressions: How many eyeballs are you catching?
  • Engagement: Are you striking a chord with your audience?
  • Completion rate: Are you keeping viewers hooked till the end?

3. Analyze and Optimize Use your data like a compass to guide your strategy:

  • Identify patterns in successful content
  • Replicate what works
  • Tweak what doesn't

Turning Your Instagram Stories into Reels

Think of this as upcycling in the digital world. You're giving your best content a second life and a chance to reach an even wider audience.

1. Repurpose Your Greatest Hits Identify your best-performing Stories and give them the Reels treatment. It's like turning your catchy jingle into a catchy music full-fledged song.

2. Leverage Instagram's Built-in Tools Instagram provides everything you need to transform your Stories into Reels. Here’s how,

3. Experiment with Formats Don't be afraid to play around:

  • Try different editing styles (quick cuts, slow-mo, etc.)
  • Experiment with music (what's the soundtrack of your brand?)
  • Play with effects (make your content pop!)
  • Add Captions for an engaging video

To turn your stories in to reels

Head on over to highlights

Tap on the create icon at the bottom right of the screen

Add catchy music and this takes you to the reels tab where you can further edit your stories turned reels.

Add captions to your story and reels

The quickest way to make your stories and reels look more appealing like some of the examples we mentioned above and boost engagement is to use an AI captioning tool.

We suggest using Lit Captions. Because it can do just that in one click. Lit Captions allows you to effortlessly add eye-catching, dynamic captions to your vertical videos, ensuring your content stands out and drives higher engagement. With a variety of stylish templates and customization options, Lit Captions makes it easy to elevate your Instagram game.

Adding captions to your stories, reels and video ads on Instagram can drive higher brand awareness, improve ad recall and help reinforce your brand Identity. We all know that the more people that know and remember your brand, the more followers on your Instagram feed and the more money you make.

So, are you ready to create the best Instagram or story ad or video ads that stop the scroll? Let's do this!

Add Lit captions🔥to your story and reel videos

Wrapping Up

Okay, so we've covered a lot of ground here. Stories, Reels, ads - it's a lot to take in, right? But here's the thing: Instagram is constantly evolving, and if you want your brand to stand out, you've got to keep up.

We've broken down the differences between Instagram Stories and Instagram Reels in the Instagram app and understood that they are so similar but yet so different in so many ways.

Stories are great for those quick, daily connections with your audience, while Instagram Reels can really boost your visibility and help you reach new people especially of you decide to do ads.

We learned so much about the Instagram story ad world, how engaging and cost effective they are for driving real business results. So don’t ignore them. Pick a few of the Instagram story ad examples that resonate with your brand and give them a shot. You might be surprised at how well they work.

Now, I know it can feel overwhelming to build a brand on Instagram but everyone’s doing it and you don't want to be missing out! Here's a little secret: start small. Try posting a Story every day for a week. Then maybe experiment with a Reel or two. Use those Instagram Insights we talked about - they're like your personal roadmap to what's working and what's not.

Oh, and don’t forget about Lit Captions. It's a game-changer for making your content more engaging and accessible. Your followers will love it, and you might just see those engagement numbers start to climb while you’re tracking away.

So, what do you say? Ready to shake things up on Instagram? Remember, every expert was once a beginner. The important thing is to start.

Go on, give it a shot. Your future business will only benefit from it.

Ready to level up your Instagram game?

Add Lit Captions🔥to your story ads today