12 min read

120+ Bible Trivia for Kids: Ultimate Faith-Building Activity Guide

Ever watched a child's face light up when they know the answer to a question? That's the magic of Bible trivia for kids.

Whether you're a parent wanting to make family devotions more exciting, a Sunday school teacher searching for engaging activities, or a youth leader preparing for your next group meeting, this comprehensive guide has everything you need to make Bible learning stick through the magic of trivia.

Those memory verses are sometimes best retained when taught in a question and answer format. Even better if it's in a digital format so that kids can view it anytime, anywhere. This guide will include:

  • 120+ trivia questions for all ages (Free downloadable)
  • Tips on going digital with Bible trivia
  • Free video resource (No Email required)

Let's dive in.

Where to Use Bible Trivia for Kids

As kids compete to remember which animal Noah sent out first from the ark or how many disciples Jesus had, they're actually building a foundation of biblical knowledge that can last a lifetime.

These Bible trivia questions for kids are incredibly versatile. Use them during.

  • Sunday school sessions to reinforce the day's lesson
  • Family devotion time to keep everyone engaged
  • Long car rides to turn travel time into learning time
  • Church events as icebreakers or team competitions
  • Homeschool Bible curriculum to make lessons interactive

How to Use This Bible Trivia Guide

Getting the most out of these Bible trivia questions for kids starts with selecting age-appropriate questions. Nothing dampens enthusiasm faster than questions that are too difficult (causing frustration) or too easy (causing boredom). This guide divides questions into three age groups, but don't be afraid to mix and match based on your specific children's knowledge levels. It also includes some  general questions that can be used for adults of different levels of biblical knowledge.

Creating a simple reward system can dramatically increase participation. Rewards don't need to be elaborate - stickers, small candies, or a special privilege like choosing the next game can be powerful motivators. The goal isn't to create a competitive atmosphere but to celebrate knowledge and participation.

When incorporating trivia into different settings, consider the environment. A classroom setting might allow for team-based competitions with a whiteboard for scoring, while family night might work better with casual question-and-answer sessions between other activities. Church events might benefit from larger-scale competitions with teams working together. For more creative ideas, check out these fun Sunday school games that complement trivia perfectly.

40 Easy Bible Trivia Questions for Young Kids (Ages 4-7)

These simple Bible trivia for kids questions are perfect for preschoolers and early elementary students. They focus on concrete stories and characters rather than abstract concepts, making them ideal for young minds.

Creation and Garden of Eden Questions

  1. Who created the world? (God)
  2. How many days did it take God to create everything? (Six days, He rested on the seventh)
  3. What was the name of the first man? (Adam)
  4. What was the name of the first woman? (Eve)
  5. What special fruit were Adam and Eve told not to eat? (Fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil)
  6. What animal talked to Eve in the garden? (A serpent/snake)
  7. What did God make Adam and Eve wear when they had to leave the garden? (Clothes made of animal skins)
  8. What did God create on the first day? (Light)

Noah's Ark Trivia

  1. Who built a big boat called an ark? (Noah)
  2. Why did Noah build the ark? (Because God told him it would flood)
  3. How many of each animal did Noah take on the ark? (Two of most animals, seven pairs of clean animals)
  4. How many days and nights did it rain? (40 days and 40 nights)
  5. What bird did Noah send out first to find land? (A raven)
  6. What did the dove bring back to Noah? (An olive leaf/branch)
  7. What colorful sign did God put in the sky after the flood? (A rainbow)
  8. What was God's promise about the rainbow? (Never to flood the whole earth again)

Baby Jesus and Nativity Scene Questions

  1. Who was Jesus' mother? (Mary)
  2. Who was Jesus' earthly father? (Joseph)
  3. Where was baby Jesus born? (Bethlehem)
  4. Where did Mary put baby Jesus to sleep? (In a manger)
  5. Who told Mary she would have a special baby? (An angel named Gabriel)
  6. Who came to see baby Jesus, following a star? (Wise men)
  7. What gifts did the wise men bring? (Gold, frankincense, and myrrh)
  8. Who wanted to hurt baby Jesus? (King Herod)

Simple Questions About Biblical Heroes and Heroines

  1. Who was swallowed by a big fish? (Jonah)
  2. Who killed a giant named Goliath? (David)
  3. Who led God's people out of Egypt? (Moses)
  4. Who was the strongest man in the Bible? (Samson)
  5. Who had a beautiful coat of many colors? (Joseph)
  6. Who was thrown into a lions' den but was not hurt? (Daniel)
  7. Who was known for being patient during many troubles? (Job)
  8. Who was the first queen in the Bible to save her people? (Esther)

Basic Jesus Miracle Questions

  1. What did Jesus turn water into at a wedding? (Wine)
  2. How many loaves and fish did Jesus use to feed 5,000 people? (Five loaves and two fish)
  3. What did Jesus walk on that surprised His disciples? (Water)
  4. Who did Jesus raise from the dead after he had been in the tomb for four days? (Lazarus)
  5. What happened when Jesus calmed a storm? (The wind and waves became completely still)
  6. How many men with leprosy did Jesus heal at one time? (Ten)
  7. What did Jesus do to a man who was blind from birth? (Healed him so he could see)
  8. Who touched Jesus' robe and was healed? (A woman who had been bleeding for 12 years)

These Bible facts for kids questions are designed to build confidence while introducing fundamental Bible stories for children. Keep the atmosphere light and celebratory - the goal is to make these young children excited about what they know rather than worried about what they don't know.

40 Medium Bible Trivia Questions for Kids (Ages 8-10)

For middle elementary students, these questions dig a little deeper into Bible trivia for kids while still keeping the content accessible and engaging.

Exodus and Moses Trivia

  1. How was baby Moses saved from Pharaoh's order? (His mother put him in a basket in the Nile River)
  2. Who found baby Moses in the river? (Pharaoh's daughter)
  3. What did God use to speak to Moses in the desert? (A burning bush)
  4. Name three of the ten plagues God sent on Egypt. (Any three: water turning to blood, frogs, gnats, flies, livestock dying, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, death of firstborn)
  5. What sea did the Israelites cross when leaving Egypt? (The Red Sea)
  6. What miraculous food did God provide for the Israelites in the desert? (Manna)
  7. What happened when Moses struck the rock with his staff? (Water came out)
  8. On what mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments? (Mount Sinai)

David and Goliath Detailed Questions

  1. How many brothers did David have? (Seven)
  2. What was David's job before he fought Goliath? (Shepherd)
  3. How tall was Goliath? (Over nine feet tall)
  4. What weapon did David use to defeat Goliath? (A sling and stone)
  5. Where did David hit Goliath? (On his forehead)
  6. Whose armor did David try on before fighting Goliath? (King Saul's)
  7. What did David take from Goliath after defeating him? (His sword)
  8. What did David say gave him the courage to fight Goliath? (His faith in God)

Jesus's Parables Explained

  1. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who helped the injured man? (A Samaritan)
  2. In the parable of the Prodigal Son, what did the father do when his son returned? (Ran to him, hugged him, and threw a party)
  3. What happened to the seed that fell on good soil in the Parable of the Sower? (It grew and produced a good crop)
  4. In the parable of the Lost Sheep, how many sheep did the shepherd leave to find the lost one? (99)
  5. What did the wise man build his house upon in Jesus's parable? (Rock)
  6. What did the foolish man build his house upon? (Sand)
  7. In the parable of the talents, what happened to the servant who buried his talent? (It was taken away from him)
  8. What does the pearl of great price represent in Jesus's parable? (The Kingdom of Heaven)

Disciples and Apostles Trivia

  1. How many disciples did Jesus choose? (12)
  2. Name four of Jesus's disciples. (Any four: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, Judas Iscariot)
  3. Which disciple denied Jesus three times? (Peter)
  4. Which disciple doubted that Jesus had risen from the dead? (Thomas)
  5. Which disciple betrayed Jesus? (Judas Iscariot)
  6. What was Matthew's job before following Jesus? (Tax collector)
  7. Which two disciples were brothers and fishermen? (Several answers: Peter and Andrew, or James and John)
  8. Who replaced Judas as the 12th apostle after Jesus went to heaven? (Matthias)

Old Testament Stories and Lessons

  1. Who was swallowed by a big fish for three days? (Jonah)
  2. Who had a dream about a ladder reaching to heaven? (Jacob)
  3. Who was sold as a slave by his brothers? (Joseph)
  4. Who interpreted Pharaoh's dreams about seven fat and seven thin cows? (Joseph)
  5. Who led the Israelites into the Promised Land after Moses died? (Joshua)
  6. What happened at Jericho when the Israelites marched around it? (The walls fell down)
  7. Who was the strongest man in the Bible whose hair was the source of his strength? (Samson)
  8. Which prophet was fed by ravens during a famine? (Elijah)

These medium-difficulty Bible trivia questions for kids encourage deeper thinking and connection between different Bible stories. As kids answer these questions, they'll begin to see patterns in God's interactions with people throughout history.

40 Challenging Bible Trivia Questions for Older Kids (Ages 11-13)

Pre-teens and young teens are ready for more complex Bible trivia for kids that challenges their growing knowledge and critical thinking skills.

Biblical Geography Questions

  1. What river did Jesus get baptized in? (The Jordan River)
  2. What sea did Jesus calm during a storm? (Sea of Galilee)
  3. On what mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments? (Mount Sinai)
  4. What was the name of the garden where Jesus prayed before His arrest? (Gethsemane)
  5. What city was Paul traveling to when he was converted? (Damascus)
  6. What were the names of the two main cities destroyed because of wickedness? (Sodom and Gomorrah)
  7. What desert did the Israelites wander in for 40 years? (The Wilderness of Sin or Desert of Sinai)
  8. What mountain did Noah's ark come to rest on? (Mount Ararat)

Timeline and Chronology of Biblical Events

  1. Who came first: Abraham, Moses, or David? (Abraham)
  2. How many years did the Israelites spend as slaves in Egypt? (430 years)
  3. How many years did the Israelites wander in the desert? (40 years)
  4. Who was the first king of Israel? (Saul)
  5. Which came first: the divided kingdom or the Babylonian exile? (The divided kingdom)
  6. Which prophet lived during the time of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel? (Elijah)
  7. How old was Jesus when He began His public ministry? (About 30 years old)
  8. How long did Jesus' ministry last before His crucifixion? (About 3 years)

Prophecies and Their Fulfillment

  1. Which prophet foretold that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem? (Micah)
  2. Which prophet saw a vision of a valley of dry bones coming to life? (Ezekiel)
  3. Which prophecy said the Messiah would be born of a virgin? (Isaiah 7:14)
  4. Which prophet spent three days in a big fish, foreshadowing Jesus' three days in the tomb? (Jonah)
  5. Which prophet predicted the Messiah would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver? (Zechariah)
  6. Which Old Testament prophecy mentions that lots would be cast for the Messiah's clothing? (Psalm 22)
  7. Which prophet had a vision of four beasts representing four kingdoms? (Daniel)
  8. Which prophet spoke of a new covenant that God would make with His people? (Jeremiah)

Books of the Bible Questions

  1. How many books are in the Bible? (66)
  2. How many books are in the Old Testament? (39)
  3. How many books are in the New Testament? (27)
  4. Which is the shortest book in the Bible? (2 John or 3 John with only 1 chapter, or Obadiah in the Old Testament)
  5. Which is the longest book in the Bible? (Psalms)
  6. Name the first five books of the Bible. (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy)
  7. Which four books tell the story of Jesus' life on earth? (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)
  8. Who wrote most of the Psalms? (David)

Jesus's Teachings and Their Meanings

  1. What did Jesus say was the greatest commandment? (Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength)
  2. What was the second greatest commandment according to Jesus? (Love your neighbor as yourself)
  3. In the Beatitudes, who did Jesus say would inherit the earth? (The meek)
  4. What did Jesus teach about forgiveness when Peter asked how many times he should forgive? (70 times 7, meaning without limit)
  5. What did Jesus say about serving two masters? (You cannot serve both God and money)
  6. What did Jesus say we should do to our enemies? (Love them and pray for them)
  7. What did Jesus say about judging others? (Do not judge, or you too will be judged)
  8. What did Jesus say would identify His followers to the world? (Their love for one another)

These challenging Bible trivia questions for kids require a deeper understanding of scripture and its context. They're excellent for encouraging pre-teens and young teens to think more critically about what they've learned and how different parts of scripture connect to one another.

Digital Bible Trivia Resources for Kids

The beauty of digital resources is their accessibility - children can engage with Bible content during the week, not just during Sunday school or family devotions. This consistent exposure helps cement biblical knowledge and makes faith an everyday part of life rather than just a once-a-week experience.

Interactive Bible games

Today's digital world offers amazing tools for Bible trivia for kids beyond traditional question cards. Online platforms like Bible App for Kids provide interactive games that combine biblical knowledge with engaging gameplay. These digital resources often include progress tracking, rewards systems, and colorful graphics that appeal to today's tech-savvy children. To explore more Bible trivia resources, check out platforms specifically designed for children's biblical education.

Bible trivia videos

Tech-savvy kids prefer to learn visually. Consider using Trivia by Typito AI to create engaging video quizzes. These are perfect for when you want to share practice quizzes before an in-person trivia night. Simply enter a topic prompt, and the AI tool creates professional-looking video quizzes.

Here’s how easy it is to make.

Generate quiz videos in one prompt

Try using Trivia by Typito AI to create and share your own Bible trivia videos.

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FAQs About Bible Trivia for Kids

What age is appropriate to start playing Bible trivia with children?

Children as young as 3-4 years old can participate in very simple Bible trivia with questions about basic characters like Noah, Moses, and Jesus. Keep questions concrete and use pictures as visual aids for this age group.

How can I make Bible trivia competitive without discouraging less knowledgeable children?

Consider team formats rather than individual competition, mix easier and harder questions, or use a system where everyone earns points rather than a winner-takes-all approach. Always emphasize learning over winning.

Is there a way to assess which Bible trivia questions are appropriate for my child's knowledge level?

Start with a few questions from different difficulty levels and observe which ones create the right balance of challenge without frustration. Remember that children often know more than we give them credit for!

How often should we incorporate Bible trivia into our family routine?

Many families find success with a weekly Bible trivia night, perhaps as part of a Friday family fun night or Sunday evening wind-down. Consistency helps build anticipation and knowledge.

Where can I find more Bible trivia questions beyond this guide?

Beyond the downloadable resource we offer, check your local Christian bookstore, online curriculum providers, or explore more Bible trivia resources designed specifically for children.

Conclusion: Making Bible Learning Enjoyable Through Trivia

Bible trivia for kids transforms Bible study from words on a page into knowledge that children eagerly absorb and retain. Throughout this guide, we've explored how trivia questions engage different age groups, strengthen family bonds, and make biblical education an adventure rather than a chore.

For parents, teachers, and youth leaders, we encourage you to incorporate Bible trivia regularly into your teaching toolkit. Vary the formats - from scavenger hunts to video challenges - to keep the experience fresh and exciting. Remember that the goal isn't just knowledge acquisition but nurturing a lifelong love for God's Word.

Ready to take your Bible trivia to the next level? Create custom Bible trivia videos using Trivia by Typito AI.

Start your Bible trivia for kids adventure today and watch how it transforms your children's engagement with scripture!

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